Friday, April 4, 2008


Wow! What a day this has been!

Five winners of goodie baskets. Interviews with ten characters from SONGS OF THE HEART. Comments and questions and well wishes.

What an awe-some way to kick off the official release of my first book, SONGS OF THE HEART, from Awe-Struck E-Books.

I want to thank Kathryn and Dick of Awe-Struck, Chris who encouraged me to submit, Danita who took the photo for my first cover (which I got to design!). The last few months have been the start of a wonderful journey.

Right now, I'm going to make sure the names of everyone who has entered one of my contests since they began on February 4 are in the contest hat for the GRAND PRIZE drawing. Then I'm going to finish up some final items to be sure everything is in place for our wrap-up at 8:00 p.m.

Many thanks to all of you who took the time to share part of your day with me. This has been fun for me and I hope you had an enjoyable time also!

There's still time to post a comment or question to enter the GRAND PRIZE drawing. I'll be waiting!


Anonymous said...

What a lot of fun all the blogs were today. Congrats on your release and a fantastic launch party. I wish I could have joined in earlier.

Genene Valleau, writing as Genie Gabriel said...

Thanks, Larenda! Glad you could drop in tonight! (And your two comments give you two more chances to win the GRAND PRIZE!)

Thanks for joining in the fun when you could. I very much appreciate it!